Monday, March 10, 2008

Just playing a little catch up...

Went to the studio with my homie Phinesse. It should also be noted Phinesse is my boss, and that several Big L songs mention a guy named "Lord Phinesse". This, unfortunately, is a different Phinesse.

The title of this blog refers to me shooting some make up assignments.

"Portrait of An Executive" is the assignment. It should also be noted that this was shot on the first day of my spring break.


Moody flicks.

For a guy who runs a record label Phinesse sure knew how to snap into some pretty photogenic poses.

Part 2: In a location. This location being, obviously, a home office.

I think this is the winner out of the bunch from the location shoot. Let me know what you think; it's fun to nerd out on photos.

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